From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS

Science week at ILS is in its fourth day, and today 4th grade students visited a "Microbiology around us" master class, conducted by Marina Sidorenko, Ph.D.

The students learned about what bacteria are and how they differ from viruses, and also got acquainted with their structure.

“Bacteria have a cell wall and contain DNA,” explained Marina Sidorenko. “They participate in the cycle of substances in nature. Some of them cause diseases in humans, animals or plants, but they are also used in various branches of the microbiological industry.”

The 4th graders looked with great interest at photographs of bacteria taken under a microscope.

Meanwhile, students in grades 10 and 11 attended a lecture by Kirill Vinnikov, who holds a Ph.D and serves as head of the laboratory of ecology and evolutionary biology of aquatic organisms of SHEN FEFU. Speaking in English, Dr. Vinnikov discussed with the students the topic: “Is a scientist's career fashionable and prestigious again?” My personal experience.” Kirill Vinnikov, who is from Vladivostok, told our high school students about his personal life as a scientist and about his work in studying a particular species of fish in Hawaii in the United States.

“Science Week is a time when we hope every student will find a hobby for himself,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We are trying to invite as many specialists as possible and to cover as many areas of science as we can.”

From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS From the world of bacteria to fish: day four of Science Week at ILS

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