ILS 6th graders play basketball

Basketball is a game for the fastest and most agile. This type of competition is included in the list of sports days, currently taking place at ILS.

This time, 6th grade students played, fighting actively for the title of best team. The results were as follows:

 Ist place 6M1 class

 2nd place 6M3 class

 3rd place 6M2 class

 Kirill Shaufler of section 6M1 was named the best player in the tournament.


ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball ILS 6th graders play basketball

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