Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History”

The second session of the annual research project in English “National Superheroes and their Role in History” took place, this time featuring superheroes from Canada, France and Russia and presented by ILS 7th graders.

“We saw everything from traditional Russian heroes to entire superhero dynasties,” notes ILS English teacher Svetlana Feshchenko, who serves as coordinator English-language subjects in grades 5-9. “The students were very creative in presenting their projects.”

 The competitors were:



Group leader



Rhonda Slugoski

7M2    section 1


Tamara Zebnitskaya

7M2    section 2


Richard Thomas

The winners were 7M2, section 2, presenting Russian heroes, past and future.

“Research projects and presentations are very useful for students,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “In addition to giving them good practice with English, it enhances their public speaking, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.”  

Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History” Research project: “National Superheroes and Their Role in History”

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