Fox Tales No. 15: Science Week, scientific research, travel, and exam preparation

Traditionally, Fox Tales in the third quarter is dedicated to study and school research. The “Persona grata” for this issue was ILS Deputy Principal for Academic Affairs, Natalia Panchenko.

“In my interview with Anastasia Malyar, of section 8M2, I answered questions that concern not only graduates, but also their parents,” explains Natalia Panchenko. “One thing on students’ minds is the possibility of a gap year, when they can pause to rethink their choice of university, take additional courses, and , if they wish, retake certain exams. Some students choose to wall themselves off from others when preparing for national exams. In the interview, I discuss how to properly distribute the work load and choose the reasonable methods of preparation.”

The new issue of Fox Tales includes articles on school events during Science Week, as well as items from first-time contributors Anastasia Kosenkova and Maria Podsadnikova of section 5M1 and Maria Ogrodnikova of 5M2, who polled students of the questions: “What is a scientist?”; “What discoveries would change the world?”; and “What is your favorite subject?”

In Fox Tales No. 15, you can also read the ideas and observations of recent ILS graduates about the school, assembled by Ksenia Didik of section 11A.

As always, our international students made a significant contribution to the issue, this time sharing their impressions about traveling around Russia, talking about how they prepared for the Russian language Olympiad, and expressing their thoughts on fairy tales from a recently published ILS book.

“Fox Tales is a school project that brings together students from all classes,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Contributing articles to the school newspaper enhances students’ writing abilities and also helps them understand how to work with large amounts of information and prepare for interviews with teachers.”

Fox Tales No. 15: Science Week, scientific research, travel, and exam preparation

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