ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office

We went to the school medical office for speaking practice, as we had recently completed the topic "Going to see the doctor." We used the new language structures and words that we learned at our lessons.

Before we went there, our Russian teacher, Yulia Filatova, determined who had what ailment: Se-hee had a headache and fever, Dzhungi had a sore leg due to a bruise, Kyeong-ho had a high fever and a sore throat, and I had a dry cough and fever. After arriving at the medical office, everyone was a little nervous at first.

Each student had to sit next to the doctor and talk about their problem. Elena Leonidovna told each of us what we need to do.

After the conversation, the doctor advised us to wash our hands as often as possible and protect our health.

This visit to the medical office taught me what to do when we feel the first symptoms of a cold. Elena Leonidovna told us to come see her at any time we feel we’re getting sick. Now, when I when I don’t feel well, I know exactly what to do and where to go.

Article by Lee Joon-Hyeok, grade 9M2

ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office ISL international students practice the topic “Going to see the doctor” at the school’s medical office

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