ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting

Under the guidance of ILS Ceramics and Technology teachers Lyubov Shatova and Olga Poltava, 6th graders from section 6M1 sculpted a wide assortment of figures to adorn people’s gardens as the spring leaves open on the trees and the first flowers appear.

The list of figures includes a frog, some funny flies, a turtle, an unusual fox, mushrooms and others, all of which are very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

“To make the figures we used fireclay chamotte,” explains Lyubov Shatova. “The children invented, sculpted, kilned and painted their characters themselves.”

“Creativity has a beneficial effect on students,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “As well as being informative, handicrafts expand children’s understanding of beauty.”

ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting ILS 6th graders try their hand at sculpting

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