Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house

Student Council president Sonia Selivonchik, 10th grade, initiated the Good Spring feeders project. The students and their parents spent a week discussing ideas for the feeders, then designed and built them.

The feeders were made in many different forms, including huts, arbors, houses, and others, with the everyone showing endless imagination.

“The roof of our feeder is made of willow branches, which we soaked in water for two hours,” says Daria Kabushka, of section 5M3. “My friend and classmate Polina Krylenko and I designed the feeder, and my father helped us make it.”

The feeders, which will be used at the Comet Winter Recreation Center, are real works of art, with the students demonstrating remarkable ingenuity, as a wide range of materials, such as wood, willow branches, plastic, sorghum, cardboard, and copper were used to make them.

“Our class worked on its projects together,” says Gleb Karitsky of section 6M1. “We made two feeders and a squirrel house.”

“The feeders project was a great success,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “The efforts of the children and their parents were highly creative, and the results are true exhibition pieces!”  

Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house Good Spring: ILS students make 21 bird feeders and a squirrel house

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