ILS 5th grader named best football goalkeeper

ILS 5th grader Andrei Lesovsky (section 5M3) was named the best goalkeeper at the “Golden Autumn – 2020” festival which was held in Ussuriisk over the weekend. Participants included the best teams from the Russian Far Eastern cities of Vladivostok, Ussuriisk, Artem and Khabarovsk.

“I’m the goalkeeper for the Vladivostok team Luch,” Andrei Lesovsky reports. "I like the sport of football very much, and it’s great that I was named the best goalkeeper.”

“We congratulate Andrei and wish him success in his sport,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “In addition to making children more disciplined and responsible, playing football enhances their leadership qualities and develops team sport skills.”

ILS 5th grader named best football goalkeeper ILS 5th grader named best football goalkeeper ILS 5th grader named best football goalkeeper

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