ILS 10th grader Jeon Soyeong launches #My ideal lesson

My name is Jeon Soyeong and I am a 10th grader in the Pre-IB program. I have launched a new rubric on the school website called #My ideal lesson, and today I will tell you about my own ideal lesson – psychology.

I would be very glad to know what other students’ ideal lessons are, and if you would like to tell about them, you know how to find me.

Psychology, which I began studying this year, is my favorite subject in school.

This subject stirred my interest from the very beginning, as at our lessons we discuss various problems that people have and ways of solving them.

Before each lesson begins, we all do a small exercise to prepare us for studying. Sometimes we do group work and scenarios, which makes it easier to understand the material the teacher is presenting. We also learn many different psychological terms, and even after the lessons, I continue adding to my knowledge.

I think that psychology is the ideal subject for me, because everyone can freely express his or her thoughts and feelings. I always feel comfortable and good at psychology classes.

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