The new art exhibition made by the students of ILS art school now decorates the hall of the 1st floor

Fascinating works of art are created under the able leadership of professor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia - Sergei Vasilyevich Drobnohodov. Students in grades 4-9 study painting, composition, and academic painting.
According to tradition, the best works are placed in the hall of the first floor of the school. The previous exhibition is replaced by a new one. This time, students are studying abstraction, which isn't as simple as it might seem at first glance. Here, as in any art direction, there are laws and art techniques. Some of the works depict a combination of geometric shapes, and other ones have color spots and lines.
"In the art classroom, students learn different art techniques that will be useful for them in their creative work", says Olga Shevchenko, the principal of the International Linguistic School. "Thanks to drawing, students not only develop imagination, but also train vision experience, neatness, and patience. In addition, creativity has a soothing effect, which is helpful after a busy school day. In the art class, kids can relax and express their creativity to the full extent.
The Art School program consists of three one-year modules. At the end of each, the student receives a certificate describing the level of the program.
The new art exhibition made by the students of ILS art school now decorates the hall of the 1st floor The new art exhibition made by the students of ILS art school now decorates the hall of the 1st floor The new art exhibition made by the students of ILS art school now decorates the hall of the 1st floor The new art exhibition made by the students of ILS art school now decorates the hall of the 1st floor

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