The student of the 11th IB class Elizabeth Batizat says that she likes to listen to the teacher's explanation of the new theme

We are continuing the discussion on theme #Myperfectlesson (#Мойидеальныйурок). Turns out that there are a lot of students who are willing to share their views about their perfect lesson. Today the guest of the column is the student of the 11th IB class Elizabeth Batizat.
- My ideal lesson consists of discussion and test about the covered topic, meaning the completion of a task based on the covered material. Also, I love to listen to the teacher explaining the new material. At the moment, my favorite and the almost perfect subject is social studies.
And if you imagine the perfect lesson, it’s going to be very interactive and very creative. While such lessons are difficult to conduct on daily basis, sometimes they are great to clear the air.
Theme editor #MyPerfectLesson (#Мойидеальныйурок)
The student of the 10th IB class Jeon Soyeong.

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