Autumn sketches of 5th-graders of the International linguistic school were added to the educational section of The project's website

About twenty sketches and observations about autumn were added to the list of educational projects posted on the school's website in the projects section. Russian language and literature teacher Natalia V. Gaiduk decided to implement the idea of creative work on speech development with students of the 5th grade of the International linguistic school.
- Why not imagine yourself as a word artist? - says Natalia Valentinovna. - Imagine that you are also a poet, and come up with an autumn sketch: enjoying the beauty of the artistic word, image, go from the word - to the meaning, from the image - to create your work of art? Fifth-graders tried to draw a literary portrait of autumn, listen to the music of the autumn day, and some even managed to communicate with the autumn foliage.
Indeed, the guys successfully passed the task. Fifth-graders do not skimp on associations, comparisons, and strive to capture the most accurate images of this time of year.
"The smile of the passing year", "A flighty girl with a fickle mood", "Her dress was purple" - by these lines we unmistakably can determine that we are talking about autumn. You can be surprised by the literary imagination, subtlety of perception, and skillful transmission of thoughts by children by opening the project "Autumn sketches of 5th-grade students".
– The ability to accurately and correctly formulate your thoughts is a skill that makes successful communication between people impossible, whether it is a child or an adult, - Olga Shevchenko, Director of the International linguistic school, is convinced. – And the sooner it is gained, the easier it will be for its owner. At school, we pay great attention to the development of soft skills, which include competent and beautiful speech.

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