Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space

A fascinating lesson dedicated to space exploration was conducted by the teacher Elena Anipko on the eve of Cosmonautics Day.

- My task is to show my students that the science of space is interesting and the conquest of space is very important for research projects and big science, – Elena Alekseevna explains the idea. – And in order for the guys to remember the studied material better, I decided to conduct a lesson in the form of a quiz.

During the lesson, students learned about how many planets there are in the Solar System, whether spaceports are really built as close as possible to the equator so that the rocket can use the earth's rotation force during takeoff, and found out facts about the Space.

Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space Before the Cosmonautics Day, students 1A of the International Linguistic School learned about the first cosmonaut and space

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