Students of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School visited the shadow theater "Crossroads"

The idea to introduce a fifth-grader to different types of hearts belongs to the cordinator of the 5M1, the French language teacher Maria Zhdanova.

- The trip to the shadow theater "Crossroads" for the play "Crane Feathers" was not offered to her students by chance, - explains Maria Borisovna. - Firstly, this performance is based on a Japanese fairy tale, and secondly, many children in the class decided to study Japanese as a second foreign language.

Students of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School visited the shadow theater "Crossroads" Students of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School visited the shadow theater "Crossroads" Students of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School visited the shadow theater "Crossroads" Students of the 5th grade of the International Linguistic School visited the shadow theater "Crossroads"

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