"Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..."

The "Debate Club" is a new project at the International Linguistic School, the debut of which took place during the Week of Sciences. In February, eighth grade students assessed its relevance for consolidating the material they have passed and gaining new knowledge. The inspirer and organizer of the debate club, Russian language teacher Zhanna Roshka decided that it would be interesting to all high school students.

- The main goal of the project "Briefly and succinctly" is to prepare for writing the final essay, - explains Zhanna Dmitrievna. - Of course, high school students read and discuss quite a lot in literature lessons. But it's always interesting to step outside the school curriculum. And if at the same time you work in teams, when you feel both the team spirit and the spirit of rivalry, when you can understand what classmates think about a given work and what is popular? As a person who reads a lot, I want our students to be erudite and well-read, able to easily formulate problematic questions and quickly find answers to them, skillfully quoting the text they read.

"Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..." "Briefly and succinctly": the first meeting of the debate club for high school students of the International Linguistic School was dedicated to Bradbury's story "And thunder broke ..."

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