“Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver”

 - Students of our school regularly participate in scientific conferences, - says Marina Nikitichna Artemenko, deputy director for scientific and methodological work of the International Linguistic School. – Research and project work is a compulsory educational activity for high school students. In ILS, the student himself chooses the direction of research and the leader. And when such a choice is independent and conscious, a person is happy to do research. The result is high marks from an independent jury.

“Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver” “Experience of the past – achievements of the future”: students of the International Linguistic School won two “golds” and one “silver”

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