Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin


ILS eleventh grader Eon Jin Sim is highly knowledgeable about the politics and economics of the Asia-Pacific Region. He first received recognition as a student of politics in 2014, when his book "Major Wars of Modern History" was published. Additionally, Eon Jin Sim has been recognized by the Korean media. His understanding of how states influence one another, his analysis of leaders' decisions at a difficult time in history, and his firm grasp of the situation on the Korean peninsula led to the publication of an article he wrote on this topic in the authoritative regional newspaper "Chungbuk".

"I am very concerned about the state of affairs between North Korea and South Korea. The frequent rocket launchings by North Korea have forced our country to arm itself in defense. The rockets in our country serve the cause of peace, however, because they are a deterrent, ensuring stability on the Korean peninsula."

"Chungbuk" is a serious political publication that exerts considerable influence in South Korea's Chungbuk Province. The newspaper focuses on topics in economics, politics, business and the social welfare of Korean citizens.

"From his very first days of study in our school, Eon Jin Sim has shown himself to be a serious, hard-working student," says ILS Director Olga Shevchenko. "His knowledge of history, culture, political science and economics extend well beyond the limits of the school curriculum. In time, I expect him to make a name for himself as a diplomat or political analyst."

Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin Authoritative South Korean newspaper Chungbuk publishes article by ILS student Sim Eonjin

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