Health and safety

  • The ILS staff includes a resident pediatric physician, who provides:

- Primary medical care and emergency care

- Medical examinations

- Dispensary observation of children who previously suffered from contagious diseases

- Full compliance with school sanitation and epidemiological requirements

   ILS building and territory protected by 24-hour video surveillance

- The teaching area is equipped with modern firefighting and warning facilities

- VSUES security officials deal with safety and security arrangements

- Admission to various school areas via plastic ID cards

  • Proper learning requires proper nutrition, and the ILS cafeteria menu is developed by dietitians in accordance with students’ food needs, preferences, with regard for their different ages and activities at different ages, and in full compliance with sanitary regulations and standards. The menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, carbohydrates, meat and fish. The dining area is bright and spacious, handsomely decorated, and comfortably furnished. The aesthetically pleasing kitchen and hot-food service unit can provide meals to over 300 people simultaneously.

Международная лингвистическая школа
690106 Владивосток, Партизанский пр-т,44
тел. +7(423) 240-42-84? 240-42-83

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