The Projects

My Vision of Vladivostok

Project “My Vision of Vladivostok” gives a possibility to each student to show their view of the city in which they live through their own photos or illustrations. The photo (illustration) should go with a caption, which can be anything: a description, a favourite quote or even a poem. The project helps students  display their creativity, gives everyone a chance for self-expression.

Recycle batteries, save the planet

ILS students, together with the company EcoStar Technology, organized a battery recycling program. A bright green container provided by the company for this purpose is located on the first floor of the school, where students, teachers and guests can use it to deposit any kind of batteries for recycling. According to project partner EcoStar, which specializes in Hazardous Waste Recycling, batteries are categorized as especially hazardous household waste. The company calculates that one AA battery is capable of polluting 20 cubic meters of land with heavy metals, an area large enough for two trees, two moles, one hedgehog, and various other creatures living under the soil.The project also includes ILS students joining the nationwide Russian inter-school battery collection project "Protecting our hometown environment".

Saving the foxes

On April 25, 2015, ILS students launched the school’s “Saving the foxes” project on Russian Island. During the year, the efforts to save foxes and create a nature park gathered momentum, as the students were joined by residents of Vladivostok and Primorye. The ILS students’ project was also supported by the Primorye Вivision of the Russian Geographic Society, the Primorye Regional Government, and other local organizations.

Studying Vladivostok's rivers

ILS students in grades 8 and 9 were part of a working group that conducted a comprehensive study and analysis of Vladivostok’s Vtoraya Rechka River. With guidance from local experts, the students assessed the river’s current chemical and biological condition.

It is important to note that the students’ results were presented at two conferences: the 9th All-Russian Environmental Science Conference for School and University Students and Teachers titled “Water is the source of life on Earth” in St. Petersburg, where our students were awarded the Level 1 Diploma; and the 13th International Youth Environmental Conference “Humankind and the biosphere” at the Far Eastern Regional Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where our students again took the top prize.

Heroes in my family. Remembering everyone who helped bring victory

The Great Patriotic War opened a terrible chapter in the life of our country and each of its families. And, in every family there are grandfathers and grandmothers who helped bring us victory, either at the front, or supporting the war effort behind the lines. The list of heroes includes sons and daughters who died, husbands missing in action, children forced into slavery, women left in territories occupied by the Fascists, old men who fought... all of them defended us with their lives.

It is to all of them, our heroes, that we at ILS dedicate our Gallery of Memories.

«How should the Internet be legally governed? What models exist and what models look promising?»

"State control of Internet resources". ILS 7th and 8th graders, guided by their teachers, studied and analyzed information about Internet censorship and control in various countries in order to determine the most promising models. The students looked at government policies in the following countries: Mexico, Russia, Spain, Finland, Great Britain, South Korea, North Korea, China, Japan, France, and the USA.

 Volunteer movement “Open hearts and good deeds”

ILS students frequently go to Vladivostok’s Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital No.1 to visit children with oncohematological diseases. Our students prepare carefully for each visit, which includes getting to know the children, talking with them, and playing games. ILS students also hold charity fairs, using the money they collect to purchase gifts and various other items for the young patients. ILS student volunteers also lend a helping hand at the Primorye Picture Gallery, where they work as exhibition guides and provide other valuable services.

The volunteer movement helps our students become more socially active, responsible and attentive to the needs of others.

International Week

International Week grew out of the traditional International Day at ILS. During the week, our students learn about the culture and traditions of various countries, showing once again the great importance of friendship to our world.

A wide range of master classes is offered, at which country participants demonstrate their national traditions. The list includes Russian tea drinking, Chinese shadow theater, Vietnamese lotus, Japanese tea ceremony and many other fascinating classes for students and guests of the school to attend. The week also includes various national games and a large gala concert featuring performances by both teachers and students.

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