Entrance requirements

 Students are accepted for study at the International Linguistic School on the basis of their test results in mathematics and the Russian and English languages. Parents of those matriculating sign a contract with the school.

List of required documents:

  1. Application addressed to the School Principal
  2. Passport and (copy) of the parent, in whose names the contract is made
  3. Birth certificate (and copy), or passport (and copy) of a child
  4. 1 color photo, 3х4cm
  5. Student personal data file
  6. Medical card
  7. Medical insurance policy copy
  8. Statement of good health
  9. Compulsory Education Certificate (for those entering grades 10-11).

Международная лингвистическая школа
690106 Владивосток, Партизанский пр-т,44
тел. +7(423) 240-42-84? 240-42-83

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