
 The school offers:

  • Base program for grades 5-9. The Base Program provides students with an excellent opportunity to prepare for the International Baccalaureate diploma. In grades 5-9 the main language of instruction for students in the Russian State Education Program is Russian. Some subjects are taught in English (science, cultural studies, economics), and all students take a number of specialized English-language courses.
  • International Baccalaureate Diploma program for grades 10-12. All courses in the IB program are taught in English, with the individual curriculum agreed by teachers, parents and students. Students receive advanced study in a range of subjects, with the aim of preparing graduates to continue their education at universities in Russia and abroad. Students also receive comprehensive preparation in the Russian State Education Program.

Международная лингвистическая школа
690106 Владивосток, Партизанский пр-т,44
тел. +7(423) 240-42-84? 240-42-83

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